Hydrotherapy / Aquatic Therapy

What is hydrotherapy / aquatic therapy?

It is a form of treatment that uses the mechanical properties of water (ie: buoyancy, drag, thermal effects) and the effects of movement to create therapeutic effects.



There is a gradual off-loading of body weight proportional to depth. Buoyancy is used to assist or resist movements.

Amount of body weight that loads the joints when standing in water


Drag is the amount of resistance when moving through the water. End range drag can be used to stretch muscles. Drag can be used to challenge balance or joint stability.


Thermal Effects

Warmth induces relaxaltion and reduces spasticity. There is improved collagen extensibility after 10 minutes. Warmth also increases a person’s tolerance for pain.


Advantages of Hydrotherapy

Reduced load on joints, good for encouraging movement if client has pain when weight-bearing.

Able to maintain upright with less effort.

Safe to fall, and reduces the fear of falling.

Relaxes and reduces anxiety.

Distracted by play.

Movements can be challenged gradually using buoyancy, drag, slow/fast resisted movements.


Goals of Hydrotherapy

Strengthening of muscles

Improving gait and tolerance

Improving proprioception

Improving balance

Improving function

Stretching of muscles


Manage pain



Skin conditions: open wounds, sensitive to chemicals (chlorine, or other pool disinfectants)



Medical instability

Tracheal tube, catheters, incontinence


NB: As hydrotherapy sessions are limited, they are now only offered to current home-based therapy clients. 


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